- Moving the mailboxes from On-Premise to Cloud using Windows Power Shell use the below Commands,
- Run the following command to open up the session to O365 and to connect to Exchange:
- Please follow the below steps:
- Open Windows Poweshell and Run the below command
- $LiveCred = Get-Credential
- It will ask for credentials Please Provide O365 admin credentials:
- Username: adminuser@yourdoamin.onmicrosoft.com
- Password: TenentPassword
- NOTE: It should be your company tenant admin credentials
- Type the below command to connect to O365,
- $Session=New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection
- After connecting to O365 you need to Import the session using below command
- Import-PSSession $Session
- Then connect to Onprem-Exchange to move the mailbox from on-premises to cloud,
- Using the below command
- $ExchangeCredential= Get-Credential
- It will ask for username and password, Provide Exchange Admin credentials of onprem user, Username and password,
- After connecting to On-Premises Exchange, Use the below command to move user to cloud,
- New-MoveRequest -Identity "useername" -Remote -RemoteHostName "autodiscover.yourdoamin.com"-TargetDeliveryDomain yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com -RemoteCredential $exchangecredential
- You can monitor the mailbox movement in Exchange management console by connecting to exchange online.